Within ATS Recruitis, you can choose in the email communication settings (link) that you want to connect directly to your email mailbox using the SMTP protocol and thus send emails to candidates directly from your mailbox.
If you want to log in to your gmail account for the needs of ATS Recruitis using the name and password you normally use to log in to gmail, you will see the error message shown below. This is because Google does not support logging in from third-party applications using just a name and password, i.e. the "plain" method.
Pro správné fungování SMTP propojení s gmailem je zásadní mít na straně Google účtu zapnuté dvoufázové ověřování a vygenerovat si speciální kód namísto přihlašování pomocí jména a hesla k gmailovému účtu.
For the correct functioning of the SMTP connection with gmail, it is essential to have two-step verification enabled on the side of the Google account and to generate a special code instead of logging in with the name and password of the gmail account.
💡 If you already have two-phase verification turned on, you just need to continue from Figure 8 and just generate a code to connect to ATS Recruitis.
In the following video you will find the entire procedure recorded in real time.
You don't have to tag candidates one at a time, but you can add or remove tags from an entire group of candidates.
Keep an overview of contacted candidates on the LinkedIn professional network and use the option to easily download them directly to ATS Recruitis without the need for rewriting.
Use the automated connection with StartupJobs.cz and get notified about new answers.