If you are transferring data from an existing ATS or other systems, you can import it into ATS.
Here you will find out what options you have for connecting your career site and ATS Recruitis.
List of job portals that can be integrated at this time and how this integration is done.
If you use functionality that allows candidates to select interview dates directly from your calendar, you will also run into situations where you or the candidate will have to cancel the meeting. In this overview, you will learn how and what you see and what the candidate sees.
You don't have to tag candidates one at a time, but you can add or remove tags from an entire group of candidates.
Keep an overview of contacted candidates on the LinkedIn professional network and use the option to easily download them directly to ATS Recruitis without the need for rewriting.
Use the automated connection with StartupJobs.cz and get notified about new answers.
You won't miss anything anymore! Let the system notify you directly to Slack.